About the Author

About the Author

I Believe in You by Sandy Forseille Children's book

Sandy Forseille

Sandy Forseille lives in British Columbia, Canada. One day she had an awakening moment when she looked in a full-length mirror and thought, What will others think? She realized that she had to change her belief in herself by first believing that she was a child of God, and God is in all our reflections. She started living her passion which led her to becoming a mentor in self-development. Sandy is now an author of three children’s books, one co-written with her youngest granddaughter. Her newest is I Believe In You and God Does Too… Living in faith, her smile, contagious laughter and love for others shines in her mentoring programs, public-speaking events and writings, along with the tools she has learned along her journey. Use your journey as a survival guide to impact others to believe in themselves. Release and nurture what serves you and others.


Most frequent questions and answers

I wanted to write experiences that children are facing with their fears, self doubt and their inner child beliefs we carry into adults. My intention is to inspire my readers to love their reflection  in the mirror by giving them encouragement and tools through my own experiences .

To reach as many readers as possible to spread the message of self love  and self belief that I know was given to me.

Do love the reflection in the mirror inside and out. Always allow their inner child to experience the gratitude, joy, love and belief in themselves and others. Look in their mirror and say I believe in you and be sure to encourage others they meet.

I have become more aware that there is so many more messages in more books on their way through my writing to encourage others with all of the experiences we will face . With opening my gifts that I have been given, I am able to share my passion to serve and awaken my readers to live in gratitude and our beliefs in ourselves are not defined through other people.

I have been awakened that every path has been in place to open my life to new adventures, knowledge to live in gratitude and faith  and belief in myself. I use my own life  experiences in the books to inspire others which helps me grow. To nurture and release what serves me to better serve others. I am grateful for every life lesson to stand in front of the mirror and say I believe in you.

I Believe in You by Sandy Forseille Children's book